Danube station 30


River marker km:
Docking order:
25 m
Infrastructure: Electricity (on request); bus access about 200 m
Right bank
Pontoon - Lower Austria
Motorboats possible
River marker km:
Docking order:
25 m
Right bank
Pontoon - Lower Austria
Infrastructure: Electricity (on request); bus access about 200 m
Motorboats possible
  • River marker km: 1883,170
  • Bank: Right bank
  • Docking order: 25 m
  • Facilities: Pontoon - Lower Austria
  • Infrastructure: Electricity (on request); bus access about 200 m
  • Motorboats possible

Hainburg is situated on the outer perimeters of Vienna and boasts the unadulterated natural beauty of the Danube Flood Plains National Park.

Plan your route

Hainburg, Danube station 30 Hainburg, Danube station 30

Local area

Visitors can enjoy guided treks around the national park. The Roman city Carnuntum reveals the Roman history of the area in the open air museum and the Carnuntinum exhibition.

Where we are!

Donau Schiffsstationen GmbH
A-3313 Wallsee
Ufer 50, Austria

How to contact us!

F +43 7433 2591-25
T +43 7433 2591


Mon. - Thur.: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri.: 08:00 - 13:00

We are competent contacts for moorings, but do NOT operate our own shipping!

Are you a ship captain and would you like to log into LändRIS?

Check your moorings and the current Danube water levels.

LändRIS log-in