Danube station 26


River marker km:
Docking order:
Bus parking lot for boarding and alighting about 400 m
Right bank
Pontoon - Lower Austria
River marker km:
Docking order:
Right bank
Pontoon - Lower Austria
Bus parking lot for boarding and alighting about 400 m
  • River marker km: 1963,952
  • Bank: Right bank
  • Docking order: 2
  • Facilities: Pontoon - Lower Austria
  • Bus parking lot for boarding and alighting about 400 m

The history of Tulln stretches back more than 2000 years to the Roman cavalry camp. The well-preserved Roman tower on the bank of the Danube exists to this day. The Danube station is situated at the heart of Tulln in front of the Conventual Franciscan Monastery.


Garden summer 2018 - special

Plan your route

Tulln, Danube station 26 Tulln, Danube station 26

Local area

The famous Tullner Karner and Stadtpfarrkirche are ancient stone-built witnesses to the wealth and cultural rise of the town on the Danube also mentioned in the Nibelungen song. The artist Egon Schiele's was born here and the Egon Schiele Museum was installed in what was originally the local Donaulände prison. Today, Tulln is one of the biggest centres for shopping in the county of Lower Austria.   Tulln Public Transport

Where we are!

Donau Schiffsstationen GmbH
A-3313 Wallsee
Ufer 50, Austria

How to contact us!

F +43 7433 2591-25
T +43 7433 2591


Mon. - Thur.: 08:00 - 17:00
Fri.: 08:00 - 13:00

We are competent contacts for moorings, but do NOT operate our own shipping!

Are you a ship captain and would you like to log into LändRIS?

Check your moorings and the current Danube water levels.

LändRIS log-in